Friday, 2 April 2021

Why is Indian culture so famous around the globe

Indian, a word that in itself says much. India is the land that is respected by its citizens. The word 'Culture' is a great powerful word in itself when it comes to explaining its importance in India.

A small example... You will find it normal to go to a friend's house to stay there and have some good time and might even he may convince you to stay there for the night, but this is not how people live in other countries,  they have much emphasis on private life. 

Many people have the thinking of going abroad and getting settled there, seeing their faces and expression when they visit India, the vibes that Indian culture gives is remarkable. The trust level you can have in India over others is not so common in another country. Our country has much to offer and it offers everything uniquely to each and every individual. 
The respect we pay towards our surrounding things is something that is only witnessed in India. A place where students take blessings from their teachers, where we touch and pay respect to our books that contain ample knowledge.

But now the thing has come to a point where we need to talk about saving it. Well, this is so because we have actually misunderstood the meaning of having evolution in life. We must learn and adapt to new things in life and that so certain but, must preserve the things we have.

As simple that can be explained by a single line- "Try new things, get adapted to the new surrounding but do respect the things which made you so able to be at the very point."

Every Country tries to establish its name and its unique name in the world, India is one of the countries whose diversity and unique culture has itself made it a re-known country. Many foreign countries have a very positive attitude towards us and our motherland just he thing is we ourself have started neglecting its true value. 

If a human starts respecting things that build him up, then it would be the best realization in life. 

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Why is Indian culture so famous around the globe

Indian, a word that in itself says much. India is the land that is respected by its citizens. The word 'Culture' is a great powerful...